• Bestellen: 06131 6192454
  • Öffnungszeiten : Mon - Frei : 11:00 - 14:00 UND 17:00 - 22:30 || Samstag: 14:00 - 22:30 und So. & Feiertags: 12:00 - 22:30

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A cappuccino is an Italian coffee drink which is traditionally prepared with espresso, hot milk and steamed milk foam. Coffee makes up a very important part of the Italian gastronomic culture. Cream may be used instead of milk and is often topped with cinnamon. It is typically smaller in volume than a caffe latte, with a thicker layer of micro foam. in this context referring to the color of the beverage when milk

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Healthy Fresh And Hot Dishes.

Best offers from the house chef.

Our Special Dishes.

We Create Delicous Memory


Trio Sausages $100

Home 2, Wine

Delirium Tremens $200

Home 2, Wine

Our Delicious Menu Items

Fresh And Healthy Food Available

  • Break Fast
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Our Delicious

Meet Our Passionate Chefs

Rick Grimes

Cheef Cook

ELena Gilbert

Master Chef & Founder

Rick Grimes

Cheef Cook

Relaxing Atmosphere

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    Seat Up 155 Company Meatings

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    Traditional Home hall

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